Queen Model E Touring 1905

Queen Model E Touring (1905)

In 1904, Carl H. Blomstrom introduced an American Automobile called the "Queen" and had a very successful season. The "Queen" was the same small single cylinder engine and patented two cylinder opposed engine Runabouts he produced in Detroit as the Blomstrom in 1902 and 1903.

Three new models were built for 1905 and 1906. A Queen Runabout and two Touring Car of different horsepower.

The 1905 "Queen" Model B gasoline cars shown below included a Runabout with and without a Tonneau. Price for the 1905 "Runabout" was $775.00 for $100.00 more you add the "Tonneau" and carry two more passengers. A model C included a "Tonneau", larger engine and was priced at $950.00.

The 1905 "Queen" model B Runabout was equipped with a two cylinder opposed engine rated at 12 horsepower. The model "C Touring Car" was equipped with a larger two cylinder opposed 16 horsepower engine.

The two passenger "Queen Runabout model F" shown below was equipped with a 12-14 horsepower two cylinder engine and a two speed planetary transmission. It was chain driven and had a 78 inch wheel base. This "Runabout" sold for $800.00.

The five passenger "Queen Touring Car" had a detachable Tonneau side entrance. This new model had a 18 horsepower two cylinder engine, two speed planetary transmission and like the Roadster was chain driven. This Touring car with a wheel base of 84 inches sold for $1,100.00.

At $2,000.00 the five passenger "Queen Touring Car" with 26-28 horsepower engine was the C. H. Blomstrom Motor Company's best seller. Special features include a 4 cylinder 26-28 horsepower, sliding gear three speed transmission, bevel gear drive, pressed steel frame and 100 inch wheel base.

In October 1906, after building about 1,500 "Queens", the C. H. Blomstrom Motor Company combined with the De Luxe Motor Car Company. The De Luxe Motor Car Company produced another American Automobiles called the Car Deluxe in 1906. The main stock holder in De Luxe Motor Car Company was Nathan M. Kaufman who was also a partner with C. H. Blomstrom in the C. H. Blomstrom Motor Co.

Photo: archiv Auta5P

Fuente: american-automobiles

Queen - American automobile models:

1 - Queen Model B Runabout (1905) – American Classics

Queen Model B Runabout

Among the first American classic vehicles we have the “Queen Model B Runabout (1905)”. This Runabout came with a 4654 cc – … Read more “